Friday, October 10, 2008


Since Fall isn't my most favorite time of year, I thought I would list my 10 favorite things about it.

10. The decorating...Gourds, pumpkins, Indian corn, corn stalks...such fun
9. The church ladies retreat.
8. The smell of the spices used...Cinnamon, nutmeg, clove...mmmm
7. Family gatherings
6. Keeley will be born!
5. The laziness of the sun during the day.
4. The fresh, crisp cool air.
3. The smell of a pile of freshly raked leaves as I jump around in them!
2. The smell of the rain.
1. Cozying up under my mink blanket in front of the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa or cider.


God Made Playdough said...

I love fall! Do you really have a pile of leaves? I really want to take the girls pictures in a pile of leaves, but I don't know where any are! My tree isn't big enough to have a pile of leaves.

Jessica said...

if i get cris to rake them into a pile you guys are more than welcome to come andplay in them...and you guys can check out my house while your at it.

God Made Playdough said...

Tell Cris please, please, please! :) Where are the baby shower pictures? :)

