Thursday, February 19, 2009

Misadventures in Motherhood!

So I sat down to clip Keeley's nails this weekend (I am sure most of you know where this is going), and usually she is very still and quite. I have clipped her nails probably 6-7 times since she was born and have never had a problem. So Sunday night I got into our usual clipping position (on her back on my lap) and started clipping. I was about to finish her right hand by doing her thumb when she must have gotten tired of my messing with her. Just as I was about to clip she jerked her thumb and I clipped too far into the quick. My poor baby!! Her thumb started to bleed and she started to cry.
She is such a trooper though! She only cried for a few seconds and then she was smiling at us. How forgiving she is!! I of course felt horrible and couldn't finish the left hand. I finally got enough courage to try again yesterday. All went well even though it took twice as long as I was extra careful and slow. I never want my baby to hurt again!!!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Poor little thing. Glad it was just a wee nick. It's amazing how quickly they forget and the drama's past.

