Monday, March 14, 2011

Nope not Catholic!

I know many are wondering why I am participating in Lent. Well it is really simple: For Christ. The reason I am doing this during "Lent" is because it is the time leading up to the biggest thing Jesus gave up for us, his life!

"Lent is the season for the experience of giving your life over - in each moment, bodily, deliberately, to Christ and to what the Spirit is showing you. God wants you to surrender yourself, and let the Spirit work in you. In Lent, we take responsibility for our acts and thoughts, and treat certain of those as the killers they are. Lent is self-discovery of the parts of ourselves we don't want to discover, through prayer, fasting, and other disciplines. It is the opening up, the turning over to God, the repenting of our sins, the turning away from that which does not please God. Yet there is just a glimpse of Easter through the heavy clouds of Good Friday - that Christ has taken the burden, and you don't have to carry it anymore."~

So I have given up Facebook, quite possibly the number one thing that distracts me from focusing on my relationship with Christ.

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