Monday, April 27, 2009


We are still contemplating our options for child care for Keeley. We have interviewed a couple people, actually only two, but we really feel that we need more comparison. So here is what we are looking for , our wish list so to say.

We really need someone to start May 4th. And someone to take on the 29th and 30th of April.

We really need some one who will be available between 7-730 in the morning and 5-530 in the afternoon mon thru friday with most fridays off. the times will very depending upon location.

We can only afford $400 per month.

We perfer in home care, ours or yours.

We really want Keeley to be exposed to other children, but perefably no more than 4 (3 +Keeley).

Any stay at home mom who could use a little bit of extra income would be great!

If you or someone you are willing to vouch for are interested, I can be reached at 253-273-9793.

If you cannot, please pray that we will find someone!

1 comment:

Apryl said...

I would LOVE to, but I am TOOOOOOOOOO far away!!! Sorry Keeley, but Auntie still loves you!

